Ariyana has applied to attend Centenary Summer Scholars: Forensic Science this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Business & Law
Fordham High School for the Arts
Bronx, NY
Successfully funded on April 6th, 2016!
Fully funded!
$1,145 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Ariyana.
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Ariyana's Story

My passion is criminal justice.

Every time I watch the news on TV, I hear of mass shootings, killings, and many more tragic stories. I know that I would love to become a prosecution lawyer to defend victims and ensure that justice is served. In the past, I have been in debates that are related to criminal activities, and I can picture myself debating in a courtroom to defend my victim.

Attending Centenary Summer Scholars: Forensic Science will help me explore my passion in many different ways. A great opportunity like this would help me discover whether or not becoming a criminal justice lawyer is right for me. I feel that everyone should have the opportunity to explore many different career paths and narrow down which one of those careers is best for them. Since I am passionate and curious about investigating criminal activity, I believe that this program will solidify my passion and allow me to continue to down this path through college and beyond.

A Note from Ms. Blanchard, Ariyana's Teacher

"Ariyana is the perfect candidate for this program. Ariyana is impeccably responsible. She is very organized, and is one of the only students who has not missed a homework assignment this year. She is one of the highest achieving students that I have.

This opportunity will allow Ariyana to closely explore her passion for criminal justice and the law, since she has not had hands-on experience with it yet. The criminal trial in the program would give her a clear picture of what she could be doing in the future, and she would know for sure whether this is right for her."

Campaign Activity
Success! Ms. Blanchard helped Ariyana raise $1,145
April 6
Wishbone donated $80
April 6
Deborah Kapinos donated $16
April 6
Rich Bonk donated $100
April 6

It is so beautiful to see giving back. God Bless!

Ann Duffy donated $50
April 6

Hi Ariyana,
I went to a similar program at NYU Hospital, letting me experience the health care professionals when I was 17 . I have been a happy Physical Therapist for 32 years now. Good luck!
PS Did you know Jusitice Sonia Sotomayor was inspired by a TV show called Perry Mason?

Donna Fontana donated $100
April 5

I am fascinated by "law and order". I hope this program helps you find your passion.

EBONY PAYNE donated $100
April 5

I believe that you can succeed in all that you put your mind to.

Brian McManus donated $25
April 5
Marian Willis donated $25
April 4
Elizabeth Ramundo donated $25
April 3
Marty and Janet Blanchard donated $35
April 3

Go after your dreams!!

Courtney Ryan donated $50
April 3
Martin Blanchard donated $25
April 3
Stan and Nita Stevenson donated $25
April 3
Jennifer Jond donated $10
April 2
#wishbonesummer donated $100
April 1
Anonymous donated $5
March 31

Ariyana, you inspired me. Go boldly in the direction of your dreams.

Shane Kelly donated $100
March 31
Annie Reilly donated $25
March 31
Anonymous donated $50
March 31
Student Contribution donated $99
March 31
Centenary College
Centenary College donated $100
March 31
Ms. Blanchard started this campaign
March 31
Ariyana was accepted into Wishbone!
January 29