Nasim has applied to attend NSLC International Diplomacy this summer and is raising funds for his program fees. Can you help?
Business & Law
Francis T. Maloney High School
Meriden, CT
Successfully funded on April 26th, 2017!
Fully funded!
$3,195 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Nasim.
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Nasim's Story

My passion is international studies.

Meeting people from various cultures and backgrounds fascinates me. I would love to represent the United States by becoming a U.S. Diplomat in a foreign country and help build the relationships between the two countries to bring peace and understanding. I believe the NSLC International Diplomacy program will help me pursue my passion for international studies because it will help me dive even further into my favor subject and help me decide my future college major.

A Note from Ms. Esposito, Nasim's Teacher

The National Student Leadership Conference on International Diplomacy, is an opportunity for Nasim to learn about the complexities of international relations, to hear speakers from the a variety of nations and international concerns, and to visit places where diplomacy happens including the State Department, United Nations and foreign embassies in the U.S. Students in the program also learn to work with and lead others. At a time when the world is changing rapidly and, at the same time, when communities risk becoming more insular, a program like NSLC is invaluable, and every interested student should be given the opportunity to participate.

Nasim is personable, kind, hard-working and intelligent. Diplomacy would be a wonderful field for him to explore, and I encourage people to support him in this effort; it would be a wise investment in all of our futures.

Campaign Activity
Nasim posted an update
June 27
Thank you!

I want to thank all my donors for making this opportunity to attend the NSLC International Diplomacy program. All of the generous donations, large and small, added up which led to me being able to attend my program. Attending this program essentially made my summer and will help me perhaps in deciding my career in the future. This a personal triumph.

Kudos to all,


Success! Ms. Esposito helped Nasim raise $3,195
April 26
Anonymous donated $3,195
April 26
Ms. Esposito started this campaign
March 21
Nasim was accepted into Wishbone!
February 1