Ashley has applied to attend FIT High School Summer Live this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Urban Assembly School for Global Commerce
New York, NY
Successfully funded on June 5th, 2015!
Fully funded!
$345 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Ashley.
Donate to Wishbone
Ashley's Story

My passion is fashion.

Attending FIT High School Summer Live will help develop my passion because of the different classes that I will be able to take at this program. This could possibly inspire me to go out and do more things. I need like fashion professionals and supporters to keep me going on my passion. I want to be better at my passion, and going to this program can help me do just that.

A Note from Ms. hill, Ashley's Mentor

"Ashley is dedicated when she is excited about sports or literature. Working with Ashley is rewarding hearing because she is consistently excited and dedicated to completing her assignment.

I have noticed that other students look up to Ashley; they appear to respect and get along with her. She is friendly and outgoing, yet she acknowledges that she need to develop more and learn other tools to become a positive influence to others."

Campaign Activity
Success! Ms. hill helped Ashley raise $345
June 5
Kimberly Travers donated $20
June 5

Have fun!

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $20

Anonymous donated $25
May 8
Fashion Institute of Technology
Fashion Institute of Technology donated $280
May 8
Ms. hill started this campaign
May 8
Ashley was accepted into Wishbone!
February 20