Jehsse has applied to attend iD Tech Camps New York this summer and is raising funds for his program fees. Can you help?
Technology & Engineering
Uncommon Collegiate Charter High School
Brooklyn, New York, NY
Successfully funded on June 3rd, 2016!
Fully funded!
$1,059 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Jehsse.
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Jehsse's Story

My passion is Computer science.

I learned of my passion by becoming fascinated with technology and computers in particular. I enjoyed taking time to always learn something new about computers and to make it my profession in computer programming. I have already started to learn about programming and now I want to take that learning into the real world and create something better than before. When I first starting to think about what I wanted to do in the future I thought about the things that I am good at and things I enjoy. Computers are my passion because I can always use them to escape from the real world.

iD Tech camps will help me explore my passion by allowing me to be able to meet people around the world who know as much as I do and maybe more. I would like to meet the professionals and learn from them and others around me how technology works in everyday life and how it can help the future. This camp will help me explore my passion because when I am able to meet new people I am able to learn things from a different perspective I never did before.

A Note from Ms. Boatswain, Jehsse's Counselor

Jhesse has a tenacity about him to achieve whatever he puts his mind too. Jesse has always loved technology, computers , games, gadgets etc. If any of my particular gadgets ever gave me problems Jhesse would work out their kinks so to speak, relentlessly. He is an outstanding student in all respects. Jhesse has proven that through hard work, follow though, and team work, he can accomplish tasks in a timely manner and with much persistence

Jhesse's only restriction may be that he has not been given the opportunity to delve deeper into learning about his passion.

Campaign Activity
Success! Ms. Boatswain helped Jehsse raise $1,059
June 3
Uncommon Summer 2016 Campaign donated $385
June 3
Anonymous donated $50
May 27


Here's to a great future in programming. I look forward to using a program or service with code you've written one day!

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $50

Jessica Simmons donated $25
May 25

Jehsee, so excited for you to have an awesome summer experience!

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $25

iD Tech
Anonymous donated $125
April 25
Student Contribution donated $199
April 25
Uncommon Summer 2016 Campaign donated $100
April 25

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with

Ms. Boatswain started this campaign
April 25
Jehsse was accepted into Wishbone!
January 29