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Metropolitan Learning Center
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Windsor, CT
I first discovered my passion for writing as a child. My father has always actively influenced my creativity. When I was little, he would make up stories in his head and add on to them as he went. I just remember hearing his stories and knowing I wanted to create my own. When I was in second grade, I started writing stories for all of my prompts. I once wrote about a group of best friends that went to the beach and found clues in the sand which lead them to a set of magical friendship necklaces. I remember the words just flowing onto the paper from the visuals I was creating in my mind. Ever since then, I've just loved to write and try to create pieces that inspire others. I would like the chance to become a stronger writer while staying on a college campus.
By attending Barnard College and their Young Women's Institute, I will have the chance to learn how to be a leader and take action with my writing as a young women. A huge part of women's history is shown through storytelling and art, and I would love to be someone that reflects our history and shares our struggle to equality. Barnard is the perfect place for me to develop all these skills and create new friendships. I will have the chance to push myself academically, and will be surrounded by young women who are also trying to better themselves in order to make a difference in this world.
Sarai is one of the most well-spoken and socially aware students I have had the pleasure of working with. One thing that strikes me about Sarai is the conviction in which she speaks about her opinions and values. She is incredibly open to sharing her thoughts and speaks eloquently about issues well beyond the thoughts of most high schoolers. The first day I met Sarai, I was coming into her school as a new teacher and she walked right up to me and introduced herself, smiled, and opened her arms to give me a hug. She made me feel welcome immediately and this openness, awareness, and ability to create relationships gives her incredible leadership potential. Sarai often attends clubs, meetings, and camps to learn and meet others to broaden her horizons. Although I know she spends some time learning about and discussing topics important to her such as women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and politics, there is a larger network of people she should have the opportunity to be connected with. She deserves the opportunity to learn more about her leadership potential and meet other inspiring young leaders.
Attending Barnard's Pre College Program has been one of the best experiences of my life. Not only did I get to meet some amazing women who have shown me that there is no limit to what a girl can do, but I also got a glimpse at what college life could be for me. From the start of the program, living and being at Barnard felt like second-nature to me. My class, Women's Studies 101, was in-depth and interesting through and through. I had a great professor who encouraged us to have discussions and whose course reader went into the topics of sexism, the pay gap, gender inequality, stereotypes, and more! Being able to learn about social justice issues I invest myself in has given me confidence and joy to continue what I do. I also had the opportunity to visit Slate Magazine and was able to sit down with some women who were leaders and heads of their own departments. In addition to this, I also worked in a group to create an actual website for kids that provides them with information and resources on gender and sexuality in a safe and accessible way.
Being able to work and talk with young women from all over the U.S and abroad opened up new doors and ideas for me. I have been able to take away so much advice and learning just by making new friends and trying new things. However, it wasn't just all work when I went to Barnard. I got to explore the city of Manhattan. I visited an amazing cookie shop with friends, went to the Museum of Modern Art, ate at a vegan restaurant for the first time, walked the whole of High Line, and got some really cool buttons from Strand Magazine. My time at Barnard for the Young Women's Leadership Institute has been one of the best experiences I could ever have. I am so thankful to have had this opportunity to travel, live, and learn on a college campus before even being a junior in high-school. I hope to take all the information I have learned from class and my Barnard peers back to school when it starts again!
I am so excited to be attending Barnard College's Young Women's Leadership Institute this summer. I hope that while I'm at my program I can learn to empower myself and others to be leaders even when our society might tell women and minorities to take a backseat when it comes to roles of leadership. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to attend this program, as it will be a chance for me to experience living independently for a week and give me an idea of what college life will really be like. I am looking forward to working with a range of other students in a college setting and sharing not only confidence in leadership but also my passion for writing and social justice. As I get older, my passion for human and civil rights continues to grow alongside with my creative writing, so I am glad to be able to have the chance to get to observe how these passions can fit in with leadership and at college. I am currently thinking about attending college in New York after I graduate high school, so attending Barnard's Pre College Program will help me to make this decision. I believe that the Young Women's Leadership Institute will help me grow as a person in leadership and help me decide how I can make an impact on the world now and when I continue my high education in college.
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Scholarship Provider
Barnard College
Sending Sarai to Barnard Young Women's Leadership Institute will cost $3,700.
Learn more about Barnard Young Women's Leadership Institute →
Tuition | $3,600 |
Application Fees | $0 |
Room & Board | $0 |
Transportation | $0 |
Mentoring & Guidance | $0 |
Materials | $100 |
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