Akili has applied to attend US Sports Nike Swim Camps this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
KIPP King Collegiate High School
San Lorenzo, California
Successfully funded on May 16th, 2018!
Fully funded!
$595 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Akili.
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Akili's Story

My passion is swimming.

Art comes in many forms, and physical forms of art are no exceptions. When I see people swimming in the Olympics, it's a form art to me. Its like watching a hyper-realistic animation which is created through tools other than brushes, pens, and pencils. You can become the work of art and your body; the master piece. When I swim during school, I feel like I am painted a personal portrait. When you swim, your body glides through the water, like a brush on a canvas. That's how I feel when I swim, and would love to do that again. Swimming allows me to relieved stress out the same way drawing does, and I don't know where I'd be without swimming.

Attending US Sports Nike Swim Camps would be a dream come true for me because it would give me the opportunity to continue polishing my technique as a swimmer. Being surrounded by students who share the same passion for swimming as I do, in addition to being taught by great coaches will help me grow as a swimmer and athlete.

A Note from Ms. Shieh, Akili's Counselor

US Sports Nike Swim Camps would be amazing opportunities for Akili to branch out and meet young people that are similarly driven and passionate. She would have an opportunity to develop her competitive drive, hone her leadership skills, and develop greater self confidence.

Campaign Activity
Success! Ms. Shieh helped Akili raise $595
May 16
Wishbone General Fund donated $446
May 16

Thank you all for your fundraising efforts this year! We are happy to fund the remainder of your campaign!

US Sports Camps
US Sports Camps donated $50
April 5
Student Contribution donated $99
April 5
Ms. Shieh started this campaign
April 5
Akili was accepted into Wishbone!
February 2