Kassandra has applied to attend Education Unlimited A+ Summer Leadership this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Cristo Rey High School San Jose
San Jose, California
Successfully funded on April 30th, 2018!
Fully funded!
$2,595 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Kassandra.
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Kassandra's Story

My passion is social justice.

I discovered my passion for social justice through an AP Seminar course and based on real-life experiences. During the class, we research injustices that exist throughout the world as well as in our community. We then borrow information from credible sources to propose the most just solution while recognizing limitations that may be an obstacle or may negatively affect people. Personal experiences have also shaped my passion for social justice.

Attending the Education Unlimited A+ Summer Leadership will help me pursue my passion by developing my communication skills, teaching me about other injustices, and becoming a leader. Communication is key to social justice. If one does not know how to properly communicate then it would be immensely difficult to defend the lowly. I can speak professionally to people, but I do not know how to communicate to those who do not share the same ideas as me. The program may also present me with new information about injustices outside my community. Knowing this, it can help me see connections or reasons of why certain injustices occur. Using this, I would be able to come up with a leadership style, which would help me focus on a specific issue in social justice that could potentially become my career.

A Note from Mr. Hosking, Kassandra's Teacher

Kassandra is a dedicated and passionate student who works tirelessly to understand the texts put before her. Earlier this year, when students were asked to work toward the goal of understanding the Department of Homeland Security's recent travel ban, an incredibly complex and rigorous text, Kassandra approached the text logically, breaking down the ban's effects on different stakeholder groups. She held her own opinion in a liminal space until the final day of research, at which point she began to make her argument with an eye toward the marginalized (undocumented people, Muslims, and refugees).

Kassandra, more than most students, has been able to find the line between vitriolic critique of unjust social systems and utility of her imagination toward a hopeful alternative. From what I know of her lived experience, this isn't new for her. She writes essay with passion and arrives prepared to dive deep into texts every single day. I am enthralled by her unwavering dedication to her education and know she will excel at Education Unlimited A+ Summer Leadership.

Campaign Activity
Kassandra posted an update
August 13
Big Day

Tomorrow is the big day! Thank you all so much! I could not have done it without you!

Success! Mr. Hosking helped Kassandra raise $2,595
April 30
Mark Robson donated $802
April 30
Katie Saviano donated $100
April 23

Kassandra, you are extremely helpful & I admire that you want to continue to learn and help others! Good luck with the program!

Katy Davis donated $100
April 16

I look forward to a future lead by the great youth of today, such as yourself. Best of luck to you.

Jake Lavin donated $100
April 14

You have a lot of drive and that will make the difference in your life. Best of luck.

Kelly Rogers donated $100
April 11

Make us proud girl!

Mitzi Solis donated $100
April 11

You are a hard working young lady that deserves all life has to offer. Keep up the good work girl!!

Roya Gardere donated $100
April 11

Good luck Kassandra, wishing you all the best!

Christine LaRocca donated $50
April 11
Susan Bunce donated $100
April 11

I wish you all the best. You are going to be an amazing leader!
Warmest Regards,

charles baldwin donated $200
April 10

Best of luck Kassandra!

Anonymous donated $150
April 9

What a wonderful opportunity Kassandra! Best of luck and keep working hard towards your goals!

Mike Tregoning donated $75
April 6

Good Luck Kassandra!
I know you will excell!

Education Unlimited
Education Unlimited donated $519
April 5
Student Contribution donated $99
April 5
Mr. Hosking started this campaign
April 5
Kassandra was accepted into Wishbone!
February 1