Evelyn has applied to attend Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Liberal Arts
Leadership Public Schools - Hayward
Hayward, CA
Successfully funded on April 14th, 2017!
Fully funded!
$6,500 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Evelyn.
Donate to Wishbone
Evelyn's Story

My passion is Environmental Conservation.

I discovered my passion for environmental conservation through my interest in gardening, which then led me to want to advocate for climate change. During my sophomore year I started eating an avocado a day and, due to the high cost, my parents decided to limit me. Frustrated, I decided to plant an avocado plant and from there garnered an interest in gardening. Then, through my volunteer position at Chabot Space and Science Center, I signed up for the Enviro team to learn more about the environment. Furthermore, by understanding the vitality of the environment I began to get frustrated with the ineffective actions being taken by nations such as China and the US who are not fulfilling their climate agreements. I have discovered over time a passion for environmental conservation by taking action to ensure that we maintain the health of our planet.

A Note from Mr. Jackson, Evelyn's Counselor

While I wish I could answer this question through a variety of anecdotes chronicling Evelyn's experiences, I feel that my words would not do Evelyn's dedication justice. Evelyn is one of the most hardworking and committed students I have ever met. Through the Wishbone program, I truly hope that Evelyn will be awarded the opportunity to demonstrate and practice her abilities in order to prepare her to be a future leader in any area which she chooses to pursue.

Campaign Activity
Evelyn posted an update
May 10
All Set!

A little over 2 months left until I embark on a summer journey that could pave the way for my future aspirations. I am planning out my suitcase already and talking with my the environmental teacher in order to both physically and educationally prepare myself. I can't wait for summer because Stanford Pre-Collegiate is just one program I am doing, but my excitement for both is equal!

Success! Mr. Jackson helped Evelyn raise $6,500
April 14
Wishbone General Fund donated $2,621
April 14
Lucy Rivera donated $25
April 10

best of luck Evelyn! <3

An Anonymous Donor matched this donation with $25

Adam Tobin donated $100
April 6
Sarah Schafer donated $25
April 6

I love seeing our Galaxy Explorers doing great things in the world!

Jennifer Shih donated $25
April 5

Evelyn is a rockstar! This girl is dedicated, passionate, and a leader!

Julian Gonzalez donated $25
April 4
Brenda Moreno donated $35
March 30
Clara Martinez donated $25
March 24

¡Muchas felicidades Evelyn!

Sara Farrand donated $25
March 24

Because I believe in you!

Maria Elena Alvarez donated $20
March 23
Lucas Jackson donated $200
March 15

You're going to be great!

Student Contribution donated $99
March 15
Stanford University
Stanford University donated $3,250
March 15
Mr. Jackson started this campaign
March 15
Evelyn was accepted into Wishbone!
February 1