Alice has applied to attend Envision NYLF Medicine this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Science & Medicine
Jordan High School
Los Angeles, CA
Successfully funded on April 4th, 2017!
Fully funded!
$3,395 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Alice.
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Alice's Story

My passion is medicine.

At the age of nine, my father passed away due to a severe heart condition. After this happened, I realized I had a passion for helping others, but I wasn’t sure how exactly I wanted to do it. As I grew older, I became aware of the medical field and what a cardiologist was. I want to pursue a career as a cardiologist because I want to have the chance to help other families have more time with their sick loved ones. Losing my father at a young age has inspired me to persevere through any challenges that I may encounter so that I can save lives.

A Note from Ms. Gonzalez, Alice's Mentor

I believe Alice is a good candidate for Envision NYLF Medicine because she has the determination and passion for medicine and continued learning. Alice has encountered many difficulties at such a young age, yet she has never let these challenges prevent her from succeeding. Being able to participate in this program will allow Alice to further develop her knowledge and curiosity in the world of Medicine.

Living in Watts, Alice is unable to be provided with resources that allow her to participate in programs, such as the Envision NYLF Medicine program. This program will allow her curiosity in Medicine and her dream of becoming a Cardiologist to further develop. Alice will not only have access into the world of Medicine, but she will be competitive for college, when she applies to schools.

Campaign Activity
Alice posted an update
May 12

I am very determined to learn more about the medical field and get to have this
experience for my future career. I would love to see what the medical field has in store for me. I am excited to actually go to a summer program where I get to experience my passion. I would like to do CPR and hands on activities. Thank you to all who have supported me.

Success! Ms. Gonzalez helped Alice raise $3,395
April 4
College Track Group Campaign donated $2,395
April 4
Envision donated $1,000
March 6
Ms. Gonzalez started this campaign
March 6
Alice was accepted into Wishbone!
February 1