Cynthia has applied to attend Campus NYC Culinary Arts Program this summer and is raising funds for her program fees. Can you help?
Fine Arts
Manhattan Business Academy
New York, NY
Successfully funded on May 19th, 2016!
Fully funded!
$2,545 raised
$0 to go
Still want to help? Donate directly to Wishbone so we can help more students like Cynthia.
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Cynthia's Story

My passion is cooking.

My aunt is main person who cooks in our household. At early age, we were included in learning how to prep the ingredients. As I helped, I became more interested. Cooking Filipino food involves a lot of cutting the ingredients in tiny pieces like making lumpia (eggroll) and I became proficient in wrapping as well - that it’s now my primary responsibility. Over the years, as I gained more responsibility, the more I was able to cook my own concoctions.

Food a piece of art and cooking is an artistic expression of feelings. Cooking is an experimentation of the different ingredients and elements to discover what will work together for an enjoyable eating experience. Attending Campus NYC Culinary Arts Summer Program will enhance my passion for cooking to develop my own signature style.

A Note from Ms. Gruda, Cynthia's Teacher

"In our school, there is no cooking program or club but there are little advisory celebrations happening occasionally. Cynthia uses these occasions to cook and bring food for her advisory. There are 15 students in the advisory, so it always amazes me to see how she brings enough for everyone and how original and different her cooking is every time.

This program will broaden her horizons in terms of food variety and different cultures that she still has not explored. The fact that she will create specific meals inspired by international cuisine speaks volume about this amazing opportunity to pursue something that she absolutely loves."

Campaign Activity
Success! Ms. Gruda helped Cynthia raise $2,545
May 19
Anonymous donated $975
May 19
Anonymous donated $25
May 16
Mary Ann Canapi donated $111
May 16

I'm the aunt she mentioned in her email. Hope her love for cooking is nurtured through this program.

Brenda Graham donated $75
May 11

I am really happy for you.

Karen Polsonetti donated $40
May 5

Cynthia - this experience sounds amazing!! I know you will do great things and I can't wait to hear about this program!! Good for you!

Edita Gruda donated $25
May 5
Student Contribution donated $199
April 19
Campus NYC
Anonymous donated $1,095
April 19
Ms. Gruda started this campaign
April 19
Cynthia was accepted into Wishbone!
January 29